Free capacities of plate machining

We offer plate machining of plastics, wood, aluminum, bond and other materials. We have the machine capacity and are able to offer the required quality with a quick delivery time. We can purchase the necessary board material for machining ourselves, or we can import our own boards. Our Raptor CNC Routers are efficient and accurate. All our machines have an automatic tool changer with a maximum working surface size of 3000x1500 mm. Thanks to our own machines, we are able to offer interesting prices for workpieces.

Ask about plate machining

Sheet metal machining is a modern and highly efficient production technique that has played a key role in revolutionizing the industry. This method allows precise and repetitive processing of various materials with high accuracy and speed. In this article, we will look at sheet metal machining, its benefits, applications and new trends that are moving this technology into the 21st century.

What is sheet metal machining?

Sheet metal machining is a modern production technique that focuses on the processing of plates or panels of various materials such as wood, plastic, aluminum, steel, etc. This technique is based on the use of CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines that control the movement of the tool precisely according to predefined programs. CNC machines enable repetitive, high-speed and precise cutting, milling, drilling and other operations.

Advantages of CNC machining of plates

  • Precision: CNC machines provide high precision and repeatability of processing. This enables the production of complex and precise parts with minimal error.
  • Efficiency: Plate machining of materials is fast and efficient. CNC machines can perform different operations in one procedure, which reduces the time and cost of production.
  • Wide range of materials: This technique allows the processing of various materials, from wood to plastic to metals. This increases flexibility and expands production possibilities.
  • Automation and Programmability: CNC machines can be programmed and automated, allowing for easy repeatability of processes and reducing reliance on manual labor.

Application of plate machining

  1. Industrial production - Plate machining of materials is widely used in industrial production, for example in the production of furniture, kitchen units, doors, windows, packaging and other products from plates.
  2. Construction - CNC machines are often used in the production of building elements such as cladding, roof panels, facades and more.
  3. Design and advertising - This technique allows the production of precise and complex design elements for advertising, exhibitions, interiors and more.

New trends

  1. 3D plate machining - The use of 3D technologies enables the production of complex geometric shapes and structures. This expands design possibilities and enables the production of unique products.
  2. Integration of artificial intelligence - With the development of artificial intelligence, new possibilities for optimizing plate machining processes appear. Artificial intelligence algorithms can predict and optimize material processing parameters, increasing efficiency and reducing waste.
  3. Environmental consideration - With the growing emphasis on sustainability, new sheet metal machining methods are being developed that minimize waste and use recyclable materials. This reduces the negative impact on the environment.

Plate CNC machining of plastics, wood or aluminum is a modern technique that fundamentally affects industrial production. Thanks to its precision, efficiency and flexibility, it becomes an essential tool for the production of various products. New trends in sheet material machining, such as 3D processing, integration of artificial intelligence and environmental consideration, are taking this technology to a new dimension and contributing to innovation in the industry. With the continued development of technology, further improvements and new opportunities for the use of CNC machining of materials in various industries can be expected.